Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hot and Cold in one time

My eldest sista (Teh Icha) and her hubby (Ka Anton) bought a new apartement in Thamrin Residence. There's a swimming pool and jacuzzi. On May 28th 2010, they invited us (my mommy, daddy, and 2nd sista) to come and try it. We accepted their invitation with pleasure :)

With Ka Anton's youngest sista, Ka Dilla
Ready to jump!

With Teh Icha underwater

 Jacuzzi till night

Night scenery at the bar

Only 1 minute I could stay in the Sauna ;p

Actually we tried Teh Icha's camera. Thanks God it was good underwater. Can't wait to use it when snorkeling :)
Hmm, this holiday was totally fun. We arrange to swim together there once a month.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Best Friend for Best Listener

This time, i'm gonna share about my friends. Obviously, I'm really happy since I have several new best friends. I accidentally met them in Intra Kalimalang, in which the place of our tutoring institution. They are Aime, Aline, Eden, and Hayu. Here we go..

 We love smiling :)

Intra, May 27th 2010. 
Actually we didn't study, just greeted our teachers and took some photos.
Hahaha, how silly it was. 

Hanging out at my house till night.

Although we've got different personality, we can understand each other. 
Big ♥ for you girls..

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello kiddo!

Look at my little cousin. Her name's Najra Malaika Putri Fahmi. She is a daughter from my handsome uncle, Fahmi, and my funniest aunt, Rini. ;p
Let's see her cute face..

At her house 

With her mommy behind 
(I cropped it to make her face looks clearly)
With me. Playin my cellphone
Wearing my bangles 

In a wedding party (Sahid Hotel on May 16th 2010)

Look at her eyes, Geez I'm melting
With her daddy
her dress. nice
My cousin (Yola), me, her brother (Ramiza), her mommy, her

See? What a cute kid she is! LOL. 
I met her mostly at her house in Bintaro, Jak-Sel, but sometimes in a wedding party either. Anyway, she likes taking some photos so much. Hopefully she can be a model in the future :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Welcome home, Gus..

May 8th 2010. From 7 pm until 11 pm.
I know it's been too late for posting this.. haha

Hmm, my friends and I went to La Codefine to celebrate Bagus’ coming and my acceptance in UI :)
Bagus was my friend at ILP course, but now he's studying in STT Telkom, Bandung. He came here just for 3 days, so I sacrificed my Saturday night just for him. haha

These are some pictures which I took from Alvin’s camera

We had dinner here
Yogi, Kiki, me, Anggy, Alvin, and Bagus.
We've been best friend since 2007. Geez..

My best girl friend, Anggy..

Our big-mommy boss, Yogi ;p

This is Bagus... Welcome home Gus :)

 Heeeeyyy, eat slowly please.... We know you hungry :D

Our Boys..

After that, we went to Splash for a while, just for hanging out and wasting our time..
But we didn't take any pictures bcause there's too crowded and dark :(

I really happy that night. Thanks for you, my BFF..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gimme the Yellow Jacket

I'm so glad I can make it :) 

Alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin..
Akhirnya, semua usaha gw membuahkan hasil. Gw diterima di Universitas Indonesia lewat jalur Simak UI 2010 jurusan Komunikasi Broadcasting. Gw bersyukur banget sama Allah SWT yg udah mengabulkan permintaan gw. Hasil jerih payah gw belajar selama di sekolah, di Intra, dan di rumah ga sia-sia. Target gw tercapai buat kuliah di UI. Yah walopun D3 tapi gw bersyukur, karna gw suka jurusannya dan gw tau diluar sana pasti banyak temen-temen seangkatan maupun ga yg sedih gara2 belum beruntung. Jujur, sebenernya gw kecewa klo ada yg meng-underestimate D3, karna bukan berarti anak D3 itu bakal ga berhasil atau gagal, buktinya zaman skrg juga banyak kan S1 yg pada nganggur dimana-mana? Malah mungkin skrg anak-anak D3 lebih dibutuhkan karna dilatih untuk siap bekerja. Tapi emang sih, waktu untuk dapet gelar sarjana bakal lebih lama daripada S1, soalnya mesti ambil Ekstensi dulu. So, balik lagi kepada orang tersebut, universitas mana, dan jurusan apa yg diambil. Hmm.. I will prove it in the future. Just wait and see :)

Gw pengen ngucapin makasih untuk orang-orang yg udah nge-support gw. Mulai dr orang tua, sodara-sodara, pacar, temen-temen, juga buat guru-guru di sekolah maupun Intra. Thank you so much yall.. This is for you..

Ohiya, congrats ya buat kalian yg udah diterima di PTN yg diinginkan. Bagi yg belum, jangan patah semangat, trus lah berjuang buat masa depan. Bukan untuk orang tua, pacar, sodara, atau temen kok, tapi buat diri lo sendiri. Good luck Guys! Do ur best..

Smooch and hug, xoxo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good bye High School

Well well well, finally I finish studying from SMAN 71. It’s just quite boring bcause I studied here for 3 years, and I think it’s enough. Although sometimes I miss my high school, I feel happy since I don’t have to wake up early in the morning anymore :p

Thanks for the medal and certificate

This is my high school graduation in Pewayangan Building on May 4th 2010
Check it out!

 Modern-green Javanese blouse...

With my girls.. (Anggy, Destima, Lucy, me)
Took a pic before entering the building
 XII Social 3
Look gorgeous in green

Overall, I love this moment. I can't wait to wear 'toga' someday in my university graduation. :)

Anyway, thanks for the photos, Guys..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I am 'newbie'

Hey Guys!
Welcome to my blog…

This is my first time blogging. I just wanna share all my activities here. Obviously, I’m not a creative person, but I like expressing myself and my ideas. I don’t know why I named my blog De Frappucino, haha. Maybe because I love coffee, but actually I don’t know where I found those words, it’s just in my head, so I used it. Hmm, I think this blog is like my diary. I will confess all my feelings here. Hopefully I can always write on this blog until I grow up since now. By the way, I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please follow my blog, so we can sharing each other next time :)

With love, xoxo