Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hard Choice

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya gw resmi jadi mahasiswa, hahaha. Sebetulnya gw diterima di dua tempat, yg pertama di UI jurusan D3 Broadcasting lewat jalur SIMAK UI, trus yg kedua di UNJ jurusan S1 Manajemen lewat jalur UMB. Gw galau banget waktu itu mau pilih yg mana, soalnya dua-duanya gw suka sih jurusannya, cuma emang ada plus minus nya. Klo gw pilih yg pertama, gw dapet gelar Ahli Madya nanti, bukan Sarjana, tapi tekad gw emang mau di UI klo kuliah. Nah klo pilih yg kedua, gw dapet gelar Sarjana tapi gw ga suka sama kampusnya, yah percuma dong nanti gw kuliah ga sesuai sama hati gw, yakan..hehe. Setelah galau-menggalau sekaligus rundang-runding sama keluarga gw (bonyok gw mah teserah gw aja, hehe) akhirnya dapet juga sebuah keputusan. Suara hati gw memilih UI, hehe. Yasutra, gw coba jalanin aja, semoga gw ga salah dan ga nyesel ambil keputusan ini ;)

Gw disuruh daftar ulang deh tuh ke UI tanggal 17 Juni 2010, pas-pasan banget sama SNMPTN 2010. Yah jadinya gw harus memilih lagi, mau coba ikut SNMPTN tapi ngelepas D3 Broadcasting nya atau mau diambil tapi ga ikutan SNMPTN, haha. Rempong bambaaaang! Alhasil gw lebih memilih ambil dan ga ikut SNMPTN, soalnya blm tentu juga klo gw coba ikut SNMPTN trus gw pasti dapet, yakan, hehehe. Yg ada nanti klo gw ga dapet gw ga jadi kuliah lg, huhu, ga mauuuuu.

Abis daftar ulang gw udah bener-bener resmi jadi mahasiswa UI, hehe. Langsung dapet jakun+peci, KTM, sama username+password utk liat nilai di SIAK NG. Seneng deh ;) Tapi ngantrenya bikin puyeng, panjang beneeeeer, ga tahan deh lamanya, ckck. Ohiya, pas lagi daftar ulang itu gw dapet banyak kenalan, dari S1 maupun D3, hihi. Nice lah!

Hmm, klo boleh gw mau bangga dikit yah, Broadcast UI itu D3 yg paling susah didapetinnya loh, hihihi. Keketatannya paling ketat deh pokoknya (loh, apasih?) haha. Makanya klo kalian bingung mau pilih apa nanti di SIMAK or UBER UI, pilih D3 Broadcasting yaaaah :) promosi dikit deh, hehe. Ga bakal nyesel kok insya Allah..

Good luck and congrats to me!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The 18th IIMS 2010

Indonesia International Motor Show is an annual event that always been held at JIEXPO Jakarta. This year is the 18th. If you like otomotive, I'm sure you must visited it ;) IIMS is the biggest otomotive exhibition in Indonesia. There's 23 sole brands which were joined in this event. They were Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Daihatsu, Ford, Foton, Fuso, Hino, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jaguar, Kia, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Nissan Diesel, Proton, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota, and VW. It was held from July 23th - August 1st. I came on the last day, August 1st. I think it was great and full of excitement. 
Let me show these pictures to you ;)

Gorgeous Cars from Nivan's Showroom
Left: Lamborghini. Right: Aston Martin
Left: Chevrolet. Right: Ferrari
 Left: Roll Royce. Right: Bentley




Mercedes Benz




The theme of the exhibition was "Eco-Technology Motoring". It reflects the importance of protecting the environment to minimize the impact of global warming which is increasingly worrying. Anyway, all of those cars was inside the room. There also so much fun outside. Check these out ;)

The Drift Battle

One of the drifter.

Car wash plus plus :D

The total of automotive companies and supporters who participated in IIMS 2010 were 178 units. This event was sponsored by iB and organized by Dyandra Promosindo. If you missed it this year, don't miss it next year :) 
See ya on the 19th IIMS 2011..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sister Magazine August Edition

Hehehe, just for my documentation :D

It's me in the yellow round :P